1·Begin in neutral spine and maintain position.
2·All of these devices can help the operator maintain a good flight position.
3·When it detects a potential update target, the federated system avoids using the block fetch feature in order to maintain the remote cursor position.
4·Every individual cell in the population has a grid position stored internally, so I don't have to search the grid or maintain an external hash when I want to find a cell's grid position.
5·The bird must be able to maintain a stable position space, despite the fact that their wings are beating 75 times per second and that disruptive effects such as wind gusts could throw them off.
6·The similes work not to sew everything up but make it impossible for us to maintain anything like the official position on a moral distinction between heavenly good and Satanic evil.
7·If you start to slouch during a run take a deep breath and feel yourself naturally straighten. As you exhale simply maintain that upright position.
8·Spreading the investment in this manner has enabled the BBC to maintain its position at the leading edge of technology, delivering breathtaking images of cinematic breadth and forensic precision.
9·If I was forced to summarise my position, I'd accept the need to buy some exposure to China (albeit less than most would maintain) but only when prices were much, much cheaper.
10·China and Colombia hold identical position on major international issues and maintain close cooperation in international affairs.